☆A strawberry farm          where you can play☆

🍓Now taking reservations🍓

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🍓Barrier-free for everyone's happiness: Strawberry picnic🍓

🍓raise strawberries🍓


🍓16/DEC start🍓

🥪bring your lunch🍓
岐阜県関市にあるやまへい農場では、美濃加茂や山県、各務原などからも多くのお客様にご来場いただいております。 やまへい農場では、自慢のいちご狩りをはじめ、様々な楽しみ方ができます。、関牛乳や練乳でいちごをさらに美味しく楽しんだりできます。また、雨の日でも楽しめる屋内施設があるので、お子様連れの方にも安心してご利用いただけます。親子で遊べる遊び場も設置しています。ゆったりとした時間が流れる中で、家族みんなでまったりと過ごすことができます。
🍞easy collaboration menu with picked strawberrys,bread,whippingcream🍓
岐阜県関市にあるやまへい農場では、美濃加茂や山県、各務原などからも多くのお客様にご来場いただいております。 やまへい農場では、自慢のいちご狩りをはじめ、様々な楽しみ方ができます。、関牛乳や練乳でいちごをさらに美味しく楽しんだりできます。また、雨の日でも楽しめる屋内施設があるので、お子様連れの方にも安心してご利用いただけます。親子で遊べる遊び場も設置しています。ゆったりとした時間が流れる中で、家族みんなでまったりと過ごすことができます。
kids never get bored! everyone happy👶👩👨👵👴

"Strawberry Sky is a playfully inviting strawberry farm!

We hope you enjoy a leisurely time with your loved ones while gazing at the strawberries.

We want you to savor the carefully nurtured strawberries. 🈵

Even the little ones can have endless fun without getting bored! 🎨🖌️🐼🦒

Our system for strawberries picking

Scribble on the face ♪


🍓Play area and Drawing for kids

・YOU can enjoy drawing pictures on the floor and stay at play area.Kids never get bored! 



🍓Free to bring in food. Picnic on even if it's rainy.

・Bring your lunch or make some easy collaboration menu with picked strawberries ,bread,whipping cream...

We also have some arrangeed sweets.(Ask us about the menu)




🍓 Let’s compare the taste of strawberries! 🍓


⚠️strawberries are not all you can eat but sold by weight ⚠️

Strawberries which you picked are sold by weight so take your time and enjoy the picking time under the ’’Strawberry Sky’’

After paying the bill ...Picnic at your favorite place! Please feel free to use the chairs and tables.





They have refreshing scent and sweet taste.They are very popular with children!

sourness ⭐️⭐️

sweetness ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

smell ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️





This is

’’The Strawberry!’’

Flavor of sweet and sourness whichi means ''LOVE''

sourness ⭐️⭐️⭐️

sweetness ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

smell ⭐️⭐️









They have good texture and gentle sweetness.

sourness ⭐️

sweetness ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

smell ⭐️









They have refreshing flavor and Richness.Everyone loves them!

sourness ⭐️⭐️⭐️

sweetness ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

smell ⭐️⭐️⭐️








NEW!! They have original flaver You can feel firm texture and elegance of KOIMINORI.

sourness ⭐️⭐️

sweetness ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

smell ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️



Strawberry Sky provides a blissful time enveloped in the scent of strawberries.


#Let's go out as a family

Strawberry picking is incredibly popular among families! You can taste several varieties of strawberries and share your favorites with each other. Who knows, you might discover your favorite strawberry! Childrens playful activities like coloring sheets available!

いちご園 近くの クチコミ 人気 おすすめ メロン オシャレ かわいい 山田修平 いちご農家 高富 可児市 農業女子 Youtube SNS 果物狩り 愛知県 東海 岐阜市 テーマパーク 低農薬 手作り1歳 2歳 3歳 何歳から 予約なし 飛び込み ネット 予約 楽しい 名古屋 ホームページ ランチ 持ち込み 持ち帰り 喜ぶ フルーツサンド 12月 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 ゴールデンウィーク 赤ちゃん


An Instagram-worthy combination of sky and strawberries! Perfect for creating social media buzz! Have a delightful time with your friends and indulge in strawberry picking. Why not make it a memorable 'debu-katsu' (diet and activity) outing? Don't forget to use hashtags when posting on social media and let it go viral



Strawberries floating in sky! If you're curious, come and visit! Inside the greenhouse, it's warm, and your clothes won't get dirty. Feel free to come in your stylish attire! Why not create sweet and tangy memories at GREEN HOUSE YAMAHEI?

At Strawberry Sky, there's more than just strawberry picking to enjoy♪


#Strawberry Viewing Set A

"We provide outdoor tables and chairs for loan. Experience a picnic atmosphere! (Bringing your own chairs, tables, and lunch is also welcome!)"

いちご園 近くの クチコミ 人気 おすすめ メロン オシャレ かわいい 山田修平 いちご農家 高富 可児市 農業女子 Youtube SNS 果物狩り 愛知県 東海 岐阜市 テーマパーク 低農薬 手作り1歳 2歳 3歳 何歳から 予約なし 飛び込み ネット 予約 楽しい 名古屋 ホームページ ランチ 持ち込み 持ち帰り 喜ぶ フルーツサンド 12月 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 ゴールデンウィーク 赤ちゃん

#Private SPECE

We have tents available for diaper changing and breastfeeding. (Used by Strawberry Mama, a staff member of Koichigo. *Koichigo refer to staff members)

やまへい農場 いちご狩り 関市 イチゴ苺 完熟紅ぽっぺ 販売農家 名産 直売所 岐阜県 すとろべりーすかい ピクニック キャンプ 車椅子 バリアフリー ベビーカー 白いちご 章姫 かおりの よつぼし おいしーべりー 吊り下げ式 カフェアダチ ニッケン刃物 strawberry べりーちゃん キッズスペース 授乳室 キッチンカー マルシェ 関商工 コラボ 高校生 ごろごろ 果樹園 冷蔵庫 削りいちご

#Strawberry Viewing Set B

A folding table and zabuton proposed by local high school students. The unbalance adds a stylish touch!


#Kids Room

A play area for Koichigo's children Of course, visitors' children are also welcome to play!


#Strawberries and Coffee

¥300 per cup. Coffee at a strawberry farm?! Experience a solo camping vibe with a genuine coffee set, starting from grinding the beans during strawberry picking!




There are coloring books designed by local high school students, and you can draw on the large heating unit in the house, extending through a vinyl tube. When it inflates, it boosts the kids' excitement



#Strawberry Milk Anywhere

 Strawberry Milk Set ¥300 (Using local milk). Turn freshly picked strawberries into strawberry milk on the spot! Experience a flavor completely different from store-bought strawberry milk, and give it a try 



A play area created by local high school students' spatial design. Compete for height by catapulting strawberries! Fun for the whole family! Before leaving, give it another try... it's an infinite loop! 😄🍓




Addmission(Ages 4 +)


🍓day time ichigo picnic〜strawberry sky〜 ¥1,200

🍓night time ichigo picnic〜night berry〜¥2,500(includes one drink)


⚠️Strawberries are not all you can eat,but sold by weight! (3yen/1g)

Please pay your bill when you've finished picking your strawberries.

You can pick them with in the time as many times as you like.



We are regularly closed

on Mondays and Thursdays

(We are opened if the regular holiday falls on a public holiday and are closed next day.)



🍓day time 〜Strawberry sky〜







🍓night time 〜night berry〜



☆ that was introduced on TV ☆

🍓Yamahei Farm's Concept🍓


  🍓Vibrant Farm for Women 🍓

・Energetic female farmers are diligently cultivating the farm together!

Everyone is a beginner, but we leverage various creative ideas!

・Supporting moms who want to return to society through work!



🍓Collaboration with Local High School Students🍓

Since 2021, infiltrating into the challenges of Kan Commerce and Industry!

From trademark and package design to signboard creation, and miscellaneous goods design,

we bring to life the ideas of local high school students!

Also actively contributing to the website and spatial design of Strawberry Sky!


🍓Local Production for Local Consumption🍓

Collaborating with local businesses, restaurants, and farmers,

we promote locally produced goods to boost the community spirit!


🍓Yamahei Farm's Tsuku-Tsuku!!!   Online Shop🍓

🌱 Yamahei Strawberries, grown with the assurance of low pesticide cultivation, are pure,

additive-free health foods. From children to adults, you can enjoy them with confidence.

Add Yamahei Strawberries to your family's time filled with smiles 🍓.


We incorporate the creativity of local high school students and the technology of the community to create even better products. Perfect for your home or as a delightful gift 💝.


Tap or click on the desired items to visit Tsuku-Tsuku!!! Online Shop on your computer 💻.

Registering for a Tsuku-Tsuku!!! account earns you lots of points and many more benefits ♡.


You can also find us at our kitchen car or our house,

where we offer our products for sale at all times 🚚.




🍬Heart-shaped candy featuring the refreshing taste of Yamahei Farm strawberries. Additive-free for your peace of mind and safety. Perfect as a souvenir from Seki City or as a well-deserved treat for yourself. Give it a try!

This summer, we've crafted a treat using melons grown at Yamahei Farm. Additive-free for your peace of mind and safety. Following the success of Berry-chan's candy, introducing the latest hit product ☆.


🍭The strawberry-flavored amber candy made with Yamahei Farm's strawberries is characterized by the instant spread of the strawberry aroma and sweetness as soon as it touches your tongue. 

Yamahei Farm Character Set: A collection of five can badges featuring Berry-chan, Otome-chan, Hoppe-chan, Berio-kun, and Melotan! Coming soon!


Supervised by 'Gorogoro kajyuen.'

Yamahei Farm's strawberry confiture, made with care. Additive-free for your peace of mind and safety. Enjoy it as a topping for yogurt or drinks.

Due to commission, please allow approximately one week for delivery.




Meet Berry-chan's younger sister, 'Otome-chan,' born in August 2023 through crowdfunding ⭐️ Inspired by Akihime strawberries 🍓 What's next? Will 'Hoppe-chan' be joining the family soon too!? 

A delightful design showcasing the sense of high school students ☆ Particularly recommended for those who appreciate a soft touch. Feel the comfort by holding it in your hands.

M size (hand towel 32×100).


Being double gauze, the texture improves with each wash ☆ How about using it as a baby blanket? Perfect for celebrating a newborn ♡ It also doubles as a stylish stole.

L size (furoshiki 100×100). 



Yamahei Farm's character, Berry-chan, conceived by local high school students. Her adorable, big eyes are her charm points, quickly making her a friend to kids. Inspired by the Beni Hoppe strawberry. 

🍓For inquiries ,please contact below🍓


メモ: * は入力必須項目です

いちご狩り いちご農園 岐阜県 関市 かき氷 いちごミルク 関牛乳 練乳かけ放題 冷たい 雨の日 食べ比べ ラパン 子供 ゆったり まったり 親子 遊び場 お出かけ 家族連れ チルタイム インスタ映え TikTok 各務原 美濃 美濃加茂 山県 ふるさと農園 みとか 雅 つみつみいちごファーム もぎたて 当日予約 子供むけ 安心 安全 座れる 珍しい品種 汚れない オムツ いちごジュース デート お出かけスポット